Collection of Brian Page, June 25th, 2020 Ma San Auctions, Bath UK
This month, on June 25th, over in the UK part of the personal lifelong collection of Brian Page is being sold by Ma San Auctioneers. Brian passed away in 2018 at the age of 80, he was a long time dealer and of course a collector in the UK. He had great taste, a vast amount of knowledge, and adored the funkier side of Asian art.
Unlike many dealers in the Asian art world today, he saw beyond the obvious and common place when it came to value. For Brian the term "Value" wasn't tied to only the monetary aspect. For him the Value is what it gave the viewer, the owner the guest with whom it was being shared.

NOTE: For more information and shipping etc. see the end of this post below.
The Brian Page Collection Proves It's Not About Needing Bags of Money. It's More About Passion, Personal Taste and Interest.
Mr. Page had an absolute fascination with objects created by and used by the populations of many cultures. This material evoked, as all good collections should, an emotional response of appreciation and a sense of connection through the sheer beauty of material culture as art.
Brian also felt anyone with a bit of an eye could collect and build a great collection regardless of economic means. It might take a bit of hard work and lots of study, but could certainly be done and would be deeply rewarding.
This collection is living proof of his belief in this notion and now presents an opportunity for virtually every collector to take part and to enjoy some things that gave Brian so many decades of pleasure.
He loved large pots, pots made to adorn a house and to serve a purpose that was produced for the average person to have and enjoy and to treasure.
Phosphatic Glazed Oil Jar, Chinese 18th to 19th C.
Objects that were superbly well made, with great surfaces and loads of natural wear from daily use.

If you're a true collector or dealer with customers who have a deep passion in buying ONLY what they feel a connection to, this is an auction you should check carefully.
About Shipping and Getting More Information
Ma San does much of their own packing and shipping to keep the costs for the buyer down to reasonable levels. They also are ready to provide more images and condition reports for those needing to know more.
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