Searching for real Chinese Antiques on eBay has just gotten much easier
Finding Chinese Porcelain on Ebay all in one place here at BidAmount

Chinese Porcelain on Ebay, the search site for authentic Asian Antiques
The mega-site eBay is probably the largest and most confusing venue on earth when it comes to finding authentic Chinese and Asian antiques in existence. At any given time you can find over 250,000 listings all being represented as "ANTIQUE" by virtue of the fact they are listed in that category. The problem is and has been for sometime, less than 6% of the items are actually antique or even old. A huge percentage are brand new modern copies and reproductions coming straight out of workshops in China. (It has been illegal to export antiques FROM Mainland China for many years) Most of the Chinese porcelain on Ebay are fakes, so be careful.
The good news is, their are in fact many fine sellers on eBay located in the US, Canada and throughout the European Union who DO sell some rather exceptional things on the site if you can find them. Finding them is always the issue, it can take hours and hours each week, do you have three or four hours every few days to do this?.. I know I don't and I've been a dealer for over 35 years. So we thought we could make finding the best Chinese porcelain on Ebay a bit simpler.
The Solution to Finding Chinese Porcelain on Ebay, From Good Sellers
So, a few years ago we had an idea..and decided to build a search website for fun where dealers and collectors can find what they are looking for which filter out all or as much as possible problematic sellers GLOBALLY who sell fakes and copies. We also built up a list of over 100 sellers with whom we've done business over the last 10 to 35 years who sell on eBay and know what they are doing. Viola! was born.
Since then, We've added
- Two Blogs, the Bidamount Blog and the plcombs Blog. (both are at the top of this page)
- An image archive for researching under the RESOURCES tab which in total is linked to over 10,000 images, it may be 20,000 by now, we've lost track.
- Our Home page has "scrollable strips" and links to more pages of active listings being sold on eBay by many of the best sellers on the site from around the world.
- We've added a Weekly NewsLetter which is essentially an "ebay Asian Art WATCH List" we send out once a week for free on Saturday night. Loaded with images and is linked directly to the objects themselves on eBay. It will save you a lot of time. To sign up and to see what it looks like CLICK sign up today.
For fun we've also added Premium Seller Search here, it will give you some idea of what you might be missing on eBay
- Bidamount , an EBAY Partner, has developed a search that automatically scours the site every 3 seconds, 24 hours a day for items being offered from EBAY's best Asian dealers... around the world. We want to help you find Chinese Porcelain on Ebay, so ask questions and use our site.
- Premium can find 100's of great objects with ONE click in under two seconds...test it yourself...
Try it yourself, 500 to 2000 Good items all of the time! Click Here ~ To View
You can then apply the filters on EBAY's side bar to further reduce the makes looking a lot easier, every time.
The Best eBay Quality Sellers of Asian Art on Ebay...
check the link below...of visit our home page above...
Active eBay listings..Buy, Sell, Research...Click Here To View
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