Three Options For Collectors and Dealers
Auction Preview Assistant and Identification Assistant and eBay Second Opinion
Every day we get dozens of emails from folks who are fascinated by Chinese and Asian antiques.
The two most common inquiries we here at Bidamount get on a regular basis are:
"I'm looking at an online auction and I'm not sure if it is authentic, what do you think?"
"I have this Chinese/Asian/Japanese object and want to know if it's authentic and does it have any value?"
In just a couple clicks.
We can help, we can Preview the auction item(s) with you or tell you what you have and what it could be worth financially.
Getting an opinion from us can now be done easily for a very modest fee of just $12. Knowing whether you should bid or not, or finding out what it is you own can be done and done without hassle. We're here to help, just ask us.
Best, Peter
So let us know what kind of assistance you need, we're here,
Three easy options to get answers.
Why a $15 Fee?
The last few years at Bidamount
During the last few years, Bidamount and its sister channel on YouTube have both grown vastly. (more than we ever envisioned) The two platforms combined welcome around 90,000 visitors a month. Consequently, over the years we've added numerous new features, and integrations, bought plugins, and added paid web services to keep it all going smoothly, including migration to a dedicated cloud server. We're happy to do it too, we love what we get to do for a living every day.
Along with this growth, the volume of inquiries from users needing information on active auction listings and currently owned items has risen massively. In order to continue answering all of these inquiries, it requires attention from Bidamount personnel for part of each day to sort and organize inquiries apart from our regular business activities of appraising estates, working with clients, buying and selling.
So we thought a modest $15 fee might offset some of the expenses associated with providing the service.
I hope everyone feels this is fair and a reasonable amount.
Best, Peter