Qing Famille Rose Porcelain, including reign marks and foot rims
A little history about the colors and origins.
In the Chinese language Famille Rose enamels are known as fencai (pale colors) or yangcai (foreign colors). The term Famille Rose came into common usage in the west after they were described that way by the French in reference to the soft Rose coloring made possible during the early Yonzheng period. Curiously the name wasn't actually applied to describe these porcelains until the 19th C..
The ability to produce these colors was originally made possible during the 17th C. by a German Doctor , Dr. Andreas Cassius while working with gold chloride was able to produce the first true pink enamel, made primarily for its application to glass in 1670.
- In other words Famille Rose was invented by a German, made famous by the Chinese and named by the French.
By 1716 *Matteo Ripa sent letters to Italy and wrote extensively about Emperor Kangxi's fascination with these new colors and had ordered his Imperial workshops to reproduce them as quickly as possible. It was however to little avail, today in the National Palace Museum exist only two known pieces from the Kangxi dynasty, both bearing the emperor's reign mark. One other example is in the David Collection and another was once in the collection of Edward Chou.
By the middle of Kangxi's son Yongzheng's reign however production of Qing Famille Rose Porcelain was well underway culminating in some of the finest examples ever produced to this day. This superb production continued following his death and into the first 15 years of his son's rule the Qianlong Emperor. After the mid 18th C. production continued, much of it superb, but never again of the quality done during it's first 35 or so years of use.
*Matteo Ripa, an Italian Catholic missionary sent to China to work as an engraver and artisan in the court of the Kangxi Emperor in 1711 until his departure in 1723.
- 19th C. Chinese Famille Rose Ta jar
- 18th C. Rose mandarin Bowl
- 18th C. Chinese Rose mandarin Dish
- 18th C. Chinese Rose mandarin Dish, foot-rim
- 18th C. Chinese Export Dish
- 18th C. Chinese Export Dish, foot-rim
- Chinese Yongzheng Enamel Bowl
- Foot-rim Chinese Yongzheng Enamel Bowl
- 19th C. Chinese Famille Rose Candle-stick Holder
- 18th C. Chinese Ruby back plate
- 18th C. Chinese Ruby back plate
- Chinese Ruby back plate
- 18th C. Chinese Ruby back plate, Figural interior scene.
- 18th C. Chinese Ruby back plate,
- 18th C. Chinese Ruby back plate, Quail decorations
- 18th C. Chinese Ruby back plate, Quail
- 18th C. Chinese Ruby back plate, inscribed
- 18th C. Chinese Ruby back plate, inscribed
- 18th C. Chinese Ruby back plate
- Large 18th Chinese Covered Famille Rose vase
- Large 18th Chinese Covered Famille Rose vase
- Large 18th Chinese Covered Famille Rose Jar
- Large 18th Chinese Covered Famille Rose Jar
- Large 18th Chinese Covered Famille Rose Jar
- Large 18th Chinese Covered Famille Rose Jar
- detail Large 18th Chinese Covered Jar
- Qianlong Period Famille Rose vase
- Qianlong Period Famille Rose vase reign mark
- Qianlong Period Famille Rose vase detail
- Large 18th Chinese Covered Jar in overglaze famille rose enamels.
- Large 18th Chinese Covered Jar, detail view
- 18th C. Chinese large Fish Bowl or Tank
- 18th C. Chinese large Fish Bowl or Tank with famille rose enamels
- Chinese Republican Period Famille Rose vase
- Chinese Republican Period Famille Rose vase
- Mark, Chinese Republican Period Famille Rose vase
- 19th C. Chinese Famille Rose Warrior Teapot
- 19th C. Chinese Famille Rose Warrior Teapot, Script Side
- 19th Chinese Famille Rose Hair Keeper
- foot, 19th Chinese Famille Rose Hair Keeper
- late 19th C. Famille Rose Chinese Buddha
- base, late 19th C. Famille Rose Chinese Buddha
- Chinese Famille Jaune Qianlong Dynasty Wall Pocket 1736-1795
- Chinese Qianlong Dynasty Wall Pocket 1736-1795
- Chinese Qianlong Dynasty Wall Pocket 1736-1795
- Chinese Qianlong Dynasty Wall Pocket 1736-1795
- Qianlong Wall Pocket 1736 AD-1795 AD
- Qianlong Wall Pocket 1736 AD-1795 AD
- Qianlong Wall Pocket 1736 AD-1795 AD
- Qianlong Wall Pocket 1736 AD-1795 AD
- 18th C. Famille Rose Chinese Plinth
- base, 18th C. Famille Rose Chinese Plinth
- base, 19th C. Chinese Kwan-yin In Enamel Colors.
- 19th C. Chinese Kwan-yin In Enamel Colors.
- 19th C. Chinese Rose Mandarin vase
- 19th C. Chinese Rose Mandarin Cider Jug
- 19th C. Chinese Rose Mandarin Vase and Cover
- 19th C. Chinese Rose mandarin Bowl
- Chinese Rose mandarin vases
- 19th C. Chinese Rose mandarin Dome Teapot
- Base View, 19th C. Chinese Rose mandarin Dome Teapot
- 19th C. Chinese Export Platter with Peacock
- 18th C. Chinese Famille Rose Mug
- 19th C. Chinese Famille Rose Lanterns
- 19th C. Chinese Famille Rose Lanterns
- 19th C. Chinese Export Punch Bowl
- 19th c Rose Mandarin Tea Caddy
- Late 19th C. Chinese Enamel Food tray
- 19th C. Chinese Rose Medallion Teapot
- 19th C. Chinese Rose Medallion Teapot Foot
- 18th C. Chinese Export Famille Rose Plates
- 18th C. Chinese Export Famille Rose Plate
- 19th C. Chinese Famille Rose Peach Plate
- 19th C. Chinese Famille Rose Peach Plate
- 19th C. Chinese Rose Mandarin Platter
- un-glazed base of 19th C. Chinese Rose Mandarin Platter
- 19th C. Chinese Pink Enamel Yen-yen vase
- Foot-rim, 19th C. Chinese Pink Enamel Yen-yen vase
- 18th C. Chinese Famille Rose Plates
- 18th C. China Trade Plates
- 18th C. China Trade Plates
- Foot-detail, 19th C. Chinese Famille Rose Export Plate
- 19th C. Chinese Famille Rose Export Plates
- 19th C. Chinese Famille Rose Export Plate
- 19th C. Chinese Famille Rose Scholars Bowl
- 19th C. Chinese Celadon and Famille Rose Bowl
- 19th C. Chinese Celadon and Famille Rose Bowl
- Pair 19th C. Chinese Porcelain Enamel vases
- Footrim, Pair 19th C. Chinese Porcelain Enamel vases
- 18th C. Chinese Famille Rose Rooster Plate
- 18th C. Chinese Famille Rose Rooster Plate, back
- 19th to 20th Chinese Porcelain Wall Pocket
- back of 19th to 20th Chinese Porcelain Wall Pocket
- 19th C. Chinese Export Shrimp Dish
- Foot-rim, 19th C. Chinese Export Shrimp Dish
- late 19th C. Chinese Porcelain Luohan Figure
- Base, 19th C. Chinese Porcelain Luohan Figure
- late 19th Chinese Planters With Script
- base late 19th Chinese Planters With Script
- 19th C. Chinese Export Plate for Indian market.
- Chinese Republican Period vase
- Chinese Republican Period vase, foot
- 18th C. Chinese Export Plate
- 18th C. Chinese Export Plate Foot-rim
- Yongzheng to Qianlong Famille Rose Plate
- Foot-rim Yongzheng to Qianlong plate
- Early 20th C. Chinese 100 Boys jar
- Early 20th C. Chinese 100 Boys jar
- 18 to 19th C. Coral Red Chinese Teapot
- Chinese Qianlong mark
- Republican Period Famille Rose Plate
- 19th C. Chinese Famille Enamel Buddha Figure.
- Base View, Chinese Famille Enamel Buddha Figure
- Seal mark of Chinese Famille Enamel Buddha Figure
- 19th C. Chinese Peach Tea Pot
- 19th C. Chinese Famille Rose Peach Tea Pot, base and mark
- Chinese Famille Rose Statues
- 18th C. Chinese Famille Rose Punch Bowl
- 18th C. Chinese Famille Rose Punch Bowl
- 18th C. Chinese Famille Rose Yongzheng period vases
- Chinese Famille Rose Yongzheng period vases, foot-rim details
- 19th C. Chinese Famille Rose Bottle vase with foo lion decorations.
- Foot detail, Chinese Famille Rose Bottle vase , 19th C.
- 20th C. Chinese Famille Rose Hat Stand
- 20th C. Chinese Famille Rose Hat Stand Inscribed view
- base and mark, 20th C. Chinese Famille Rose Hat Stand
- Early 19th C Chinese Famille Rose Figural jar
- 19th C. Famille Jaune Chinese Planter with peach decorations.
- 19th C. Famille Jaune Chinese Planter with peach decorations.
- Early 19th C Chinese Famille Rose Figural jar, foot detail
- late 19th C. Famille Rose Baluster vase.
- Foot detail of 19th C. Famille Rose Baluster vase.
- late 19th C. Chinese Famille Rose Jar with Phoenix decoration.
- Un-glazed base of late 19th C. Chinese Famille Rose Jar with Phoenix decoration.
- late 19th C. Chinese Famille Rose vase
- Foot late 19th C. Chinese Famille Rose vase
- 19th C. Rose Mandarin Chinese vase
- 19th C. Rose Mandarin Chinese vase Foot Rim
- 19th C. Chinese Floral Famille Rose vase
- 19th C. Chinese Floral Famille Rose Vase Foot-rim
- 19th C. Chinese Rose Mandarin Plates
- Staple repairs on Chinese Plates