Chinese Yixing Pottery
A selection of late 17th to 20th C. Chinese Yixing wares representing a fairly good cross section of the types which can found in the market today, also included are a few much rarer examples for comparison. pay close attention to the small details such as the foot-rims and textures of the glazes. For more on Yixing visit out Blog Rare Chinese Yixing Pottery Teapots, Vases and Scholar's Objects .
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- Cobalt and Famille Rose Yixing Inscribed teapot, Script Side
- Cobalt and Famille Rose Yixing Inscribed teapot
- Impressed seal on base of Yixing teapot
- Rare enamel and script decorated Yixing Teapot
- Seal mark on base of Yixing teapot
- Rare Form Yixing Lined Pewter Teapot
- Rare Form Yixing Lined Pewter Teapot
- base of Yixing lined pewter Teapot
- Interior seal of pewter Yixing lined Teapot
- Rare Yixing lined inscribed pewter Teapot.
- Interior seal of Yixing Teapot
- Double Chamber Yixing Enamel tea pot
- Base Double Chamber Yixing Enamel tea pot
- Elegant Deep brown Yixing Teapot
- Foot-rim of Six sided Yixing Teapot
- Yixing Cobalt Enamel teapot with Inscription
- Close up of Yixing enamel Teapot
- Pair Inscribed Yixing vases with lion mask handles.
- Bases Pair Inscribed Yixing vases
- Rare Famille Rose Yixing Zhadow
- base Rare Famille Rose Yixing Zhadow
- Mixed Clay Yixing landscape and Inscribed teapot
- Mixed Clay Yixing landscape and Inscribed teapot.
- base Mixed Clay Yixing landscape and Inscribed teapot
- Fine Famille Rose Yixing Cups 20th C.
- Fine Famille Rose Yixing Cups 20th C. Bottoms
- Yixing Blue Enamel Teapot
- Yixing Blue Enamel Teapot seal mark
- Inscribed Yixing Teapot of Bamboo form
- Slip Decorated Tea Caddy
- Inscribed Yixing Teapot of Bamboo form
- Inscribed Yixing Teapot of Bamboo form
- Yixing seal to Tea jar
- Dark brown Yixing Inscribed teapot
- Yixing Seal mark
- Dark brown Yixing Inscribed teapot
- Yixing teapot with bats and nuts
- Yixing teapot with bats and nuts, lid under-side with seal mark.
- Root Style Yixing teapot Seal mark
- Root Style Yixing teapot Seal mark
- Green enamel Yixing Teapot
- Seal mark on Yixing enamel Teapot
- Melon form light brown Yixing teapot
- Melon form light brown Yixing teapot
- Cocoa Brown Yixing and Famille Rose teapot
- Interior Yixing lined pewter Teapot Script
- Yixing lined pewter Teapot
- Interior Yixing lined pewter Teapot
- Six Sided Yixing Teapot 19th C.
- Potters seal Six Sided Yixing Teapot 19th C.
- Compressed Yixing Loop Handle Pot
- Seal mark on Compressed Yixing Loop Handle Pot
- Seal mark on Yixing Loop Handle Pot
- Yixing Bamboo Styled Teapot
- Seal mark of Yixing Bamboo Styled Teapot
- Yixing enamel teapot with spotted deer
- Yixing enamel teapot with spotted deer on a blue enamel ground.
- Seal mark on Yixing Teapot with deer
- Famille Rose enameled Yixing Teapot with dragon decorations.
- Famille Rose enameled Yixing Teapot Seal mark on base.
- 18th C. Style Yixing teapot, circa 1900
- Lid under-side seal mark on Yixing pot
- Seal mark under base on 18th C. Style Yixing teapot, circa 1900
- Relief worked Demi-lune Yixing Teapot
- Demi-lune Yixing Teapot Lid mark
- Black Glazed Yixing Teapot
- Seal mark under lid of Yixing Teapot
- Black Glazed Yixing Teapot Seal mark under base
- Yixing Teapot with Inscribed Body
- Yixing Teapot Impressed Potters mark
- Yixing and Enamel Teapot
- Yixing and Enamel Teapot base
- Ming Dynasty Yixing three legged teapot, made by Yixing potter Yu-ch’uan
- Ming Dynasrt Yixing teapot by Shi Dabin
- Ming Dynasty Yixing tepot by Shi Dabin
- Ming Dynasty Yixing teapot by Shen Tzu-ch’e
- Ming Dynasty Yixing teapot by Li Chung-fang